Modern Life Style

‘Modern science is a strange paradox. It has opened up a panorama of celestial blessings and comfort on earth - conquered Time, Distance and Space, thereby translating 'Impossibility' into Possibility but has corrupted man to the lowest degree.’ H. G. Well (1904 – 2006)

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance is defined as a satisfactory level of involvement between the multiple roles of a person's life. It is a person's control over the responsibilities between their workplace, family, friends and self. It is a comfortable state of equilibrium achieved between an employee's primary priorities at their work place and at their private life. Pandey (2012)

Self Management

The Problem

The problem of work life balance is becoming prominent with current hectic schedules and complicated life style. It is a problem not only of working women but of every individual in today’s complicated world. As greater work life imbalance was found in their lives with multitude of responsibilities both at personal level and professional level with complex life style.

Why Work Life Balance?

For a full time working professional, it seems hard for an individual to ever achieve healthy work-life balance. The quest for better work-life balance, minimizes the stress work force undergo. When most of the time of work force is spent on work-related tasks and they feel as if they are neglecting the other key components of their lives, adversely resulting in stress and unhappiness. Symptoms of such imbalance include high stress, overtime, absenteeism and staff turnover. Better Work-life balance enables to pay attention to all the necessary aspects of life.

Research Findings

Jain et al., (1993) shared that the modern world availed all luxurious, amenities and pleasant comforts of life. Yet due to materialistic outlook, it’s hard to find happiness and satisfaction. The expansion in all walks of life could not sublimate greedy, selfish and egoistic nature. This filthiness dominated individual and social behavior.

Countries were relying on atomic power than fellow beings. The ethics which were required for meaningful and peaceful life were forgotten. The aggressive violent world has been nothing but the projection of minds agony, mostly from the ignorance of the self which results in self-hatred and competitiveness. The intoxication of limitless ambitions has demoralized us. The tragic irony in the roadmap of mankind evolution - Man has become Machines - CYBORG (Human Robot) and Machines learning to be human.

Green Work Life Balance

Green WLB referred to Green HR initiatives aimed at creating sound occupational and organizational health. Constituted of two main essentials ‘operational efficiency’ and ‘sustainability’.

Green WLB practices were highly admirable to sustain the resources in the society and win-win situations for both the worker and the owner. Out of positives initiatives by Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, started 2015-16 for the overall growth of the nation, as per Gandhian philosophy, the Campaign ‘Go Green, Clean India’ has practical implication.

Jordan T Mishra, MD Spearhead, ‘eco-consciousness‘ or ‘green’ color was quickly rising in each dimension of personal lives. Work places started by bringing in ‘professional consciousness’ at organizational level and individual level.

Factors affecting WLB

With the help of various literature review, we have identified various factors which are the causes of work life conflict. These factors are classified under (a) Demographic (b) Personal (c) Family (d) Social (e) Organizational or Work (f) Intermix.

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